The REAL reason my clients get confident consistently

The REAL reason my clients get confident consistently

The REAL reason my clients consistently get more confident, and therefore promoted or better paid, isn't because I give them a bunch of how-to's.

There's ChatGPT for that. Or LinkedIn Learning, YouTube, countless blogs, and books with endless suggestions on what you should do and say.

But there are plenty of well-educated, intelligent people who listen to all the podcasts and read all the books and STILL feel stuck about making requests for what they want. 


It's because the real secret to negotiating for what you want ISN'T something you don't already know. 

It's actually about DISSOLVING the reasons you hesitate, "wait and see", or avoid having conversations with people who can say no. 

To put it bluntly, it's about seeing the fear of no, rejection, or failure for what it really is: a compelling hallucination. 

What I do in coaching is help my clients poke holes in these hallucinations and build a better vision for the future that gets them moving forward. 

Then create whole-brain alignment, so they have the confidence and resources to engage in conversations with resilience, creativity, and curiosity. 

My 1:1 Coaching Series is designed to get you tapping into your personal power. 

The power you can bring to conversations -- as small as asking for a better table on date night and as big as asking for the board seat at your organization. 

The majestic, relentless power that resides in every woman -- the capacity to be a force of nature when the time and place calls for it. 

The kind of authentic power you'll be glad you activated when you look back, not just on your career, but your whole life.

If that's what you want, I'm in your corner to help you access more and more of it. 

Alchemizing Anxiety into Achievements: An Invite

Alchemizing Anxiety into Achievements: An Invite

The Thing We Didn't Know 20 Years Ago

The Thing We Didn't Know 20 Years Ago