All tagged executive coaching for women

The Thing We Didn't Know 20 Years Ago

20 years ago, we were graduating from Smith and had NO idea that we can grow in our careers faster than we thought possible WITHOUT
✅ Overworking
✅ Over-accommodating
✅ Or overthinking the whole thing.
Still working on that last one? You’re not alone.

Could Coaching Get You More Money?

What results would you need to create for the coaching to pay for itself?

What if, as a result of coaching, you negotiated a pay bump?

And what would it be worth in the long run to have the mindset and strategies of confident self-advocacy become second nature to you? 

Dos and Don'ts of Asking for a Raise

In the article “Dos and Don’ts of Asking for a Raise,” you’ll learn:

  • What and when to document to build a strong case for your raise

  • How to tailor your ask in a way that minimizes blowback and maximizes respect 

  • Word-for-word suggested scripts from two experts, and so much more 

How to Negotiate as a Woman of Color

"When I think about asking for raise, my anxiety spikes, because what if they say no? I'll feel like a total failure." 

A BIPOC client said this to me the other day.

Read on for the three-step strategy I offered my client, so she can advocate for her career growth with more ease and confidence.